I have just returned from your FABULOUS tour of Sri Lanka. As I do on many of my holidays, I wrote a poem about our experiences and read it to the group on the last night.
We came to Sri Lanka to see the land,
Experience the culture, learn it all first hand.
Prisanth was our guide; he looked after us well,
He took us to places, had lots to tell.
Ranjit, our driver was careful and sure,
Pubudu was there to open the door.
Polite and helpful were these two,
Was it Pompidou or Scooby Doo???
We started in Negombo and met the team,
It all seemed like a bit of a dream.
The fish market was buzzing, sellers everywhere,
Then to a Hindu temple, in Sri Lanka more rare.
We searched for animals in the national park,
We drove around till it got quite dark.
Anduradhpura had the ancient tree,
A solid white stupa, a moonstone to see.
Mihintale is a most sacred site
1850 steps to the top was quite a height.
Very hot on the feet, we scampered up fast,
We really didn’t want to be the last.
The second tallest Buddha made us stare in awe,
At these special sites we had to be careful what we wore.
The Sigrya Fortress was very high,
We climbed and climbed, some of us thought we would die!
An offer of marriage was a surprise,
Were they tears we saw in Gill’s eyes??
The view from the top was a sight to see,
It really was an amazing place to be.
The Polonnaruwa ruins we cycled around,
Without any shoes it was hot on the ground.
Dambulla Rock temple had 5 caves to see,
The painting and Buddhas were from 1st Century BC.
We saw lots of plants to help people heal,
A massage was nice, then we had a meal.
On the side of the road we had a picnic for kings,
On all of our trays were many nice things.
Hotel Thilanka in Kandy was nice,
The monkeys were thieves didn’t have to ask twice!
They stole Gills’ swimwear, we all heard her screech,
The monkey culprit was just out of reach.
We walked in the gardens, the evening a show,
They walked across fire, it was all aglow!
Hoppers for tea, the next morning the train,
A ride into the mountains, heading for rain.
White water rafting was lots of fun,
Only two went, the rest swam in the sun.
Went to a tea factory and bought some tea,
Then on to the Hill Club, so much to see!!
The amazing building was very old,
Hot water bottles and heaters ensured we didn’t get cold.
Up early next morning heading for World’s End,
Walked 9 kilometres, through forests we did wend.
The animals were great, the walk lots of fun,
Unfortunately there was mist, but at least we had sun.
The dining room for tea, it was all very flash,
Prisanth did a deal so we paid less cash.
Off to the waterfall and elephants too,
With 30 young babies there’s lots to do.
The campsite was great, the food sublime,
We’ll be on their website in very short time.
The beach was a lovely restful spot,
The weather warm, to very hot.
We watched the wedding in the dining room,
The guests, the bride, and of course the groom.
A day in Galle to look and shop,
Our bags are now beginning to pop.
We had our last dinner at the old fort,
In the town of Galle, near the port.
The trip on the river had lots to see,
The turtles would soon be allowed to go free.
Dave’s jokes kept coming and made us smile,
They kept us amused for many a mile.
We’ve memories and gifts and new friends made,
This trip was a bargain, not much was paid.
Yusra and David, Sarah and Emma,
Carol and Jo, Dave and Sarah,
Chris and Gill, Gail and Sue,
Ranjit , Prisanth and Scooby Doo.
Our happy little band has come a long way,
But now it’s time to call it a day.
We may meet again at a time yet to come,
But for now it’s farewell, we’ve had tons of fun!!
Sue Mauger went on Tucan Travel’s Jewels of Sri Lanka tour.
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