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Exploring the Sacred Valley of the Incas

Naturally, one of the first things we wonder about is the name: was it really holy or is it just a dramatic pseudonym of more modern times? Our local guide has the answer and, after all, it doesn’t come as a surprise: the Incas did bow down to the grandeur and richness of this valley […]

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Con-salt your senses!

Opting to leave Peru for Bolivia the day before Peruvian Independence Day was perhaps not one of my smartest decisions. It appeared that the entire Peruvian Population who reside in Bolivia were making their way back over the boarder to get ready for the celebrations.  After resolving some issues with departure papers myself and my […]

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Getting wet in the Galapagos

The Galapagos became famous when Charles Darwin visited in 1835 to conduct his landmark research that led to his revolutionary theories on evolution by natural selection.  Nowadays it is one of the most remarkable wildlife adventure travel destinations you will ever visit, the amazingly diverse range of unique land and marine animals and birds that […]

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Los Baños de Perú

As Kenny, of Aussie portaloo fame once said, toilets ought to be the first thing that people think about when they’re organising things, but it’s not. Considering how often travellers in third world countries get diarrhoea, you’d also think it would be a top priority when you’re travelling. Wanting to get to the loo nearest […]

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The Pantanal, Brazil.

The Pantanal is one of the world’s largest wetlands, it’s located in Mato Grosso do Sul state, in the south of Brasil. The Pantanal extends also into Bolivia and Paraguay and the estimated area is about 195000 Square Km. It gets water from Paraguay river and another tributaries, on the rainy season the water level raises between 2 […]

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Tungurahua Volcano erupts just outside Baños

Boom! I woke briefly, sleepily wondered what the noise was, then quickly fell back asleep. After years of being on the road, and living in noisy cities, I am an awesome sleeper. It wasn’t until about an hour later, when I stumbled out of my tent, and saw an unusual mist in the air, did […]

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