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It’s A Jungle Out There

Minglabar from Myanmar! Formerly called Burma, this country has only recently started opening up to westerners. Myanmar has had a turbulent history with many countries in the west imposing sanctions due to the human rights violations that have occurred here and these violations were highlighted in 2007 with the Saffron Revolution. This was when Buddhist […]

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Defining Myanmar

Since Myanmar opened and after President Obama’s visit last year we have had a big boom of tourists visiting. If you’re reading the guidebooks, the main place to visit is Yangon with its famous Shwedagon pagoda, Sule Pagoda and its old British colonial buildings, you have the Mt Kyaikiyo with The Golden Rock, Bago a […]

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Exploring Burma

Having never been anywhere in Asia before, finding out that I was going to be traveling to Burma/Myanmar gave me a mini anxiety attack. I had no idea what to expect and the CNN documentary with Anthony Bourdain that aired in April didn’t set my mind at ease. Not only did it confirm all that […]

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