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Sunrise at Tikal at the end of the Mayan Calendar

It was 2.40am when our alarms went off. Quietly and in a sleepy haze we lifted our sighing rucksacks onto our backs and trekked down the stairs to the hotel lobby where we filed, silently into the awaiting private bus.  It was an hour’s drive to Tikal we were told, and they expected the roads […]

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Climbing Volcanoes outside Antigua

As I pulled myself up the steep hill to the next view point, still shrouded in cloud, I wondered really why I was bothering to climb this volcano at all. The tour had arrived in Antigua, a city in the central highlands of Guatemala. The cooler temperatures were definitely welcomed by the group after nine […]

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Imagine if we had missed the bus?

There had been talk of ‘the walk’ since we arrived in Costa Rica. Who was in? Who was out? Who was in, then out? Who was in, but when they woke to the La Fortuna skies dripping and black contemplated a rich warm coffee and accidentally, on purpose, missing the bus? Turns out my best […]

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Central America over Semana Santa

If you were wondering the place(s) to be for Semana Santa (Holy Week) and Easter in general – look no further than our Quetzal Highway tour running from Cancun, Mexico – party central to Antigua, Guatemala – the only place to be for Easter Sunday! Starting in Cancun but heading out the next day to […]

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Ruins, puppies and cheese in Belize

This story is one of my favourite stories to tell because it was so unexpected – one of those days where everything just fell into place. I was in San Ignacio, near the border of Guatemala in Belize, and I was with my Dutch friend, Ellen. Us two had decided that we wanted to go […]

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Top 7 dishes of Central America

During Marcus’ adventures across Central America he rounded up some of the best dishes for all the eager foodies out there! Try and get through this post without salivating- we dare you! Guatemala 1)The local speciality when you’re near the coastal areas of Guatemala is a rich seafood stew called ‘tapado’ made from fish, shrimp, […]

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Tour Leader Insights: An Interview on Central America

Our tour leaders are hard to track down. You may find them hiking up volcanoes in Central America, trekking through the Amazon Jungle or playing “spot the lion” on one of our overland trucks somewhere in Africa. You may even find them at the most southerly tip of South America showing our travellers mammoth glaciers. […]

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Slothing around Costa Rica

My mind was made up, it was time…. time to meet a sloth. I’d been to Central America before, and been to South America, but I’d never experienced a sloth sighting. Desperate times call for desperate decisions and so I decided to make my way to Costa Rica with the express intent on seeing at […]

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11 things to do in Havana, Cuba

Cuba seems to be one of the few places in the world where time has stood still due to the long-lasting communist government. The country has resisted modernisations many of its “neighbours” in Central America have adopted. It’s the reason why more and more people want to travel to Cuba.  The capital Havana is the […]

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Bird Watching in Costa Rica

On the blog today we hear from Danae, Latin America Operations Manager and ex tour leader in Central America. She talks about the joy of bird watching in Costa Rica and the incredible feathered creatures you can spot in the jungle! I have amazing memories of my year working as a Tour Leader around Central […]

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