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Getting wet in the Galapagos

The Galapagos became famous when Charles Darwin visited in 1835 to conduct his landmark research that led to his revolutionary theories on evolution by natural selection.  Nowadays it is one of the most remarkable wildlife adventure travel destinations you will ever visit, the amazingly diverse range of unique land and marine animals and birds that […]

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Tungurahua Volcano erupts just outside Baños

Boom! I woke briefly, sleepily wondered what the noise was, then quickly fell back asleep. After years of being on the road, and living in noisy cities, I am an awesome sleeper. It wasn’t until about an hour later, when I stumbled out of my tent, and saw an unusual mist in the air, did […]

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The Amazing Amazon

Let me start by saying I hate snakes. In fact, I am not sure that hate is a strong enough word for something that makes my skin crawl, my hands sweat and my pulse race. I blame my Dad for this phobia, as when I was about 12 years old he insisted on allowing a […]

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