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Sampling Vietnamese Cuisine

So what should I try?I always recommend trying the local dishes specific to wherever you are at the time, even though Vietnam is a relatively small country it is still diverse and has three distinctly different culinary zones; Northern, Central and Southern. Northern Vietnam Northern Vietnamese cooking is the least bold in flavor compared to […]

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Markets of Stone Town

Zanzibar Spice Island; the name itself throws forward images of an exotic and chaotic scene of sailors, traders and pirates. Prior to arrival, I had a preconceived notion of Zanzibar that would not be that far removed from a scene in Treasure Island. This says that 1. I have an overactive imagination and 2. Zanzibar […]

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Top 7 dishes of Central America

During Marcus’ adventures across Central America he rounded up some of the best dishes for all the eager foodies out there! Try and get through this post without salivating- we dare you! Guatemala 1)The local speciality when you’re near the coastal areas of Guatemala is a rich seafood stew called ‘tapado’ made from fish, shrimp, […]

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