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Sunrise at Tikal at the end of the Mayan Calendar

It was 2.40am when our alarms went off. Quietly and in a sleepy haze we lifted our sighing rucksacks onto our backs and trekked down the stairs to the hotel lobby where we filed, silently into the awaiting private bus.  It was an hour’s drive to Tikal we were told, and they expected the roads […]

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Central America over Semana Santa

If you were wondering the place(s) to be for Semana Santa (Holy Week) and Easter in general – look no further than our Quetzal Highway tour running from Cancun, Mexico – party central to Antigua, Guatemala – the only place to be for Easter Sunday! Starting in Cancun but heading out the next day to […]

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Top 7 dishes of Central America

During Marcus’ adventures across Central America he rounded up some of the best dishes for all the eager foodies out there! Try and get through this post without salivating- we dare you! Guatemala 1)The local speciality when you’re near the coastal areas of Guatemala is a rich seafood stew called ‘tapado’ made from fish, shrimp, […]

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