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Zoe’s mid-life crisis tour of Africa

Never one to be patient and do things properly at 29 I decided I was due a mid-life crisis and resultantly handed in my notice as one of Tucan Travel’s destination managers. I then booked myself onto an Overland Tour from Nairobi to Cape Town to erm just gather my thoughts…. Head still slightly fuzzy […]

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Watching the Wildebeest Migration

Travelling has the capacity to open your eyes so wide and show you a world that you may never have imagined existed. For me it’s a compulsion, it’s an improbable and unforeseeable adventure, which excites me immensely. The people, the culture, the scenery, the language, the smells, the atmosphere…  Everything about visiting a whole new […]

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Honeymooning in the Masai Mara NR

We got married on Saturday 6 April 2013 in Pittwater, Sydney. An amazing day. One week later, after leaving our jobs, moving out of our apartment in Sydney, we packed our bags and set off on our honeymoon – 9 months backpacking around the world! The Masai Mara NR It was a long bumpy drive along dusty roads […]

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