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My Mexican Summer

It’s been three months since the heat of Mexico prickled under my skin.  There are still moments in days where I catch myself staring vacantly into the Brisbane sky, waiting for the waft of toasting corn chips or the squeals of Mexican children yelling ‘Hola’ to the pasty white tourists being herded through the protestors […]

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Blog & Win Winner Announced

We are delighted to announce that Anna Bauer has won Tucan Travel’s Blog & Win competition for 2013. She delighted us all with her account of her Magical Mexico Group Tour describing the days spent exploring Mayan ruins and nights sampling the tequila and mezcal the country is known for. Joining a Group Tour on […]

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Central America over Semana Santa

If you were wondering the place(s) to be for Semana Santa (Holy Week) and Easter in general – look no further than our Quetzal Highway tour running from Cancun, Mexico – party central to Antigua, Guatemala – the only place to be for Easter Sunday! Starting in Cancun but heading out the next day to […]

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Top 7 dishes of Central America

During Marcus’ adventures across Central America he rounded up some of the best dishes for all the eager foodies out there! Try and get through this post without salivating- we dare you! Guatemala 1)The local speciality when you’re near the coastal areas of Guatemala is a rich seafood stew called ‘tapado’ made from fish, shrimp, […]

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Trending destinations in 2019

Seasoned globe-trotter or saving up for your first big trip several time zones away from home, the question of where to head for an eye-opening and refreshing adventure is something we all ponder. To welcome in this brand new year we’ve put together our round-up of trending destinations for the year ahead. Here’s to a […]

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