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Top 10 Animals of Peru

1. Jaguar

Measuring up to 1.8 meters and weighing in between 90 and 115 kg, the jaguar (Panthera onca) is the most powerful predator of the Americas. It is at home in different habitats, including dense jungles, swampy wetlands, and dry grasslands.

In Peru, the jaguar is called “otorongo.” The name “jaguar” comes from the language tupi-guaraní, and means “beast.”


Archeological records show that jaguars roamed widely from the United States down through Central and South America.  


The jaguar is threatened by human actions that impact its habitat and food chain. Whilst there are no exact records of the numbers of jaguars, some estimate that there may be as few as 15,000 left in the world.

2. Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey

Endemic to Peru, the Yellow-tailed Wooly monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda) is classified as critically endangered. It is found only in the cloud forests of the Andes at between 1500 and 2000 meters. 

They are one of the largest species of neotropical primates (the region encompassing Central America, the Caribbean, and South America). These striking monkeys spend the majority of their lives in the trees, and adults are known to jump up to 50 feet between branches. 

Deforestation has had a huge impact on the survival of woolly monkeys; however, there are a number of conservation efforts in Peru to protect them, including some national parks, like the Rio Abiseo, which are not open to tourism.


You can learn more about the efforts being made to protect this beautiful primate here. 

3. Humboldt penguins

Although an animal you may not immediately think of when you think of Peru, the Humboldt penguin, (Spheniscus humboldti), is found along the coast.

Humboldts have black heads with a white stripe on either side and pink skin around their eyes and base of the bill.  Although small, these penguins are fast. Adult Humboldt penguins have been recorded at speeds of 30 miles an hour underwater. 

The species, like so many others, is declining. Threats include guano harvesting and the impact of ocean pollution and competition (with humans) for fish. 

4. Amazon River Dolphin

The Amazon river dolphin is also commonly known as the pink river dolphin, (Inia geoffrensis).  It is found in freshwater of the Amazon Jungle, although they are found across many of the basins in South America.

Adults have a distinctive pink colour, different from their oceanic cousins. Adults have been known to grow over 9 meters in length and can weigh just over 350 pounds. 

River dolphin population is in decline, facing threats from mercury pollution and competition for fish.


You can learn more about the amazon river dolphins, the threats they face and conservation efforts here.   

5. Andean Condors

Part of the vulture family, Andean condors are the largest birds in the world that are able to fly. They tend to live in windy areas where they use the current to help their heavy weight soar. Take a trip to the vast Colca Canyon, for epic views as well as the chance to view these iconic birds mid-flight!

6. Peruvian Hairless Dog

The Peruvian hairless dog also known as the Peruvian Inca Orchid dates back from pre-Inca times as well as being a notable animal during the Inca reign. It is the national dog of Peru when it was declared as such in 2001. Due to their unique appearance, they are quite rare so it is unlikely you will see on a walk through Lima or Cusco.

7. Caiman

The largest species of caiman, the black caiman is found in the Amazon Jungle rivers and lakes. Many tours of the Amazon Jungle include a nighttime boat ride when the caimans are more active. Your guide will point them out to you using a torch. Spot their eyes glinting in the darkness!

8. Llamas and Alpacas

Arguably the most iconic creatures that speckle Peruvian landscapes, you can’t miss seeing llamas and alpacas whilst on a trip to Peru. Although they look similar, alpacas tend to have shorter ears and are much more woolly. Llamas tend to be taller and are known as the “Ship of the Andes” for their ability to carry weight on their back.

9. Spectacled Bear

The Spectacled bear is the only bear species found in South America and are found living high up in the Andes Mountains. They inspired the fictional Paddington the Bear books by Michael Bond where the hero came from “deepest, darkest Peru.”

10. Macaws

The vibrant macaw is a symbol of the Amazon Jungle. Head to the clay licks on the riverbanks in the Amazon basin and you may be lucky enough to see hundreds of colourful parrots like the macaw coming to gather clay. Macaws provide a fantastic display of colour and sound which is not to be missed!