As part of our 30th Birthday celebrations we are collating stories from Tucan Travellers. Charlotte’s story shows how travel can make for the best friendships! Read her story below.

“I met a very dear friend when I went to Vietnam. Within half an hour we were joint at the hip! After the tour was over we met in Thailand and continued to travel. We stayed in touch and when Tess, who is from New Zealand, said she was moving to the UK, I was thrilled! After 4 years of not seeing each other, we were reunited and it was as though nothing had changed! I live in the north but we have met several times since she moved to London. We have just come back from a weekend in Amsterdam and plan many more trips!Our guide when we were in Vietnam was called Jen Anderson and was absolutely fantastic. Her bubbly luck of the Irish charm had us all laughing from start to finish! It was a brilliant trip and one I will hold dear to my heart.”

To follow in Charlotte’s footsteps, why not check out our Vietnam Experience tour here.
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