A year and a half ago I was fresh out of university and still had no clue what I wanted to be when I grew up. Considering I was 22 with a student loan and spent the best part of my life in education this was pretty awkward. Peers around me were joining graduate schemes, putting deposits down on flats and all in all scaring the hell out of me.
I had other ideas. Armed with a ton of brochures, a map of the world and a degree in spontaneity, my best friend and I decided to travel across South East Asia. It was the best decision I ever made if I may say so myself. Starting in Thailand and ending in Indonesia we were to explore some of the most colourful countries in the world for 3 incredible months.
The first few weeks were spent on tour. This was a great way to make new friends from all over the world, and there is nothing like sharing fried scorpion on the Koh San Road to bond a group. It was also a fantastic way to discover sights that we easily could have missed. Activities had been planned, that if left up to us, we would never have done independently (Tianna and I have an incredible lack of decisiveness. It’s almost a skill.) From visiting the incredible White Temple in Chang Rai to sailing down the incredible Mekong River en route to Laos it was an once in a lifetime experience.

Travelling allows you to make friends for life. Beers on the beaches of Thailand whilst watching an infamous fire show with the stars in the sky will be a memory you won’t forget, and whilst your new pals may live on the other side of the world you will always have this experience together- as well as a future vacation destination!
For me travelling was to path the rest of my life choices. Arriving back to London I couldn’t shake the feeling that my adventures weren’t over yet. I spent a year working in the crazy world of advertising earning money but constantly having massive wanderlust withdrawals. And then a vacancy occurred at Tucan Travel – and I knew it was the right move- so for me, travelling really inspired all aspects of my life even once I had put down the passport.
Although we had some mildly awkward moments I would not change a single step of this adventure. From my pal’s hangover causing Cambodian airport staff to throw tiger balm at her (NB: it doesn’t work. Stick to aspirin and Bloody Marys) to a cultural clash in Malaysia concerning food and bus drivers, I explored some of the most sensational places on the planet. Travelling allowed me to uncover new cultures, cuisines and countries and get a view of the world I wouldn’t have otherwise. It also makes great dinner party conversation, interview answers and dating profile paragraphs!
For your nomadic adventure why not try a Tucan Travel tour and start your own travel chapter in life- who knows where you will end up!

About the Author: Rosanna is on the Marketing team at Tucan Travel. She has travelled independently and on group tours through South East Asia, and Europe. You can find her on Twitter here
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