Seasoned globe-trotter or saving up for your first big trip several time zones away from home, the question of where to head for an eye-opening and refreshing adventure is something we all ponder. To welcome in this brand new year we’ve put together our round-up of trending destinations for the year ahead. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2019, full of excitement and adventure!


Sculptural desert landscapes, ancient cities and the lowest lying, saltiest sea on the planet, there are many reasons to put Jordan on your 2019 travel wish list.

A rich tapestry of past civilisations have each left their mark on the Jordanian landscape. Explore Byzantine Mosaics, Roman ruins, crusader castles and, of course,  the most famous among them – Petra. The rose city of Petra was expertly carved out of excavated cliff face by the Nabateans, ancient desert nomads. Petra was their trading hub and uniquely combines Greek Hellenistic and Mesopotamian influences.

The cultural offerings of Jordan aren’t restricted to ancient monuments, Amman has a burgeoning art scene as well as excellent places to eat falafel and kebabs, made fresh and served with Jordanian hospitality.

Go and see Jordan in 2019, join one of our group tours.

Sri Lanka

The past few years have seen a renewed interest in Sri Lanka. If you haven’t already made it to this teardrop shaped island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, make 2019 the year that you do! Sri Lanka boasts timeless temples, short travel days, excellent wildlife spotting opportunities and scenic train journeys that will take you into the hill country past waterfalls and tea plantations. It also has miles of tropical palm-flanked coastline and delicious cuisine.

Read all about the best things to see and do in Sri Lanka and why you should visit here.


Mexico is having a moment. Sure, it has its problems but look past that and you will uncover a complex country with so much to explore that one trip won’t be enough. Mexico City is home to a sophisticated culinary scene driven by a young and dynamic set of home-grown talent, firmly invested in bringing a modern twist to the country’s rich culinary and agricultural heritage. With its vibrant art scene, cosmopolitan but decidedly Mexican, the capital is attracting attention and seeing growing numbers of visitors.

Whilst it’s epic Mayan landmarks are probably at the top of your list of things to see, you’ll also find waterfalls, colonial architecture and animated town squares. There’s much more to Mexico than our clichéd association with tequila, tacos, sombreros and cowboy boots. Watch dancers fly, witness traditional fishing techniques in Michoacán, drink spiced hot chocolate or try grasshopper in Oaxaca. Cultural treasures are almost as varied as its diverse topography which is another big draw. From the desert sierras of the north to the snow-capped volcanic belt and jungles and cenotes of the Yucatan, there’s a lot to sink your teeth into.

Take a look at our tours to Mexico.


Some still see Georgia as a former Soviet Republic, a visit will persuade you that Georgia is so much more. It’s a cultural crossroads between Asia and Europe with its own unique identity. You will find Orthodox Churches and mezze style cuisine and lots of wine. Georgia is one of the birthplaces of wine and the tradition holds strong, with many across the country making small batches of their own. More than anything though, Georgia is an unspoilt haven.

Georgia has long been overlooked by mainstream Western travellers, it’s Eastern Europe’s best-kept secret. It has so much untouched, epic scenery to explore and charming landmarks to visit along the way, it’s a real off-the-beaten-path destination. The looming peaks of the Caucasus dominate the north east and north west corners of the country. Hike some of the trails to the UNESCO sites of Jvari Monastery and Sventitskhoveli Cathedral. Paddle along the Martvili Canyon and take a dip in the Black Sea from the resort and port city of Batumi which also boasts a Botanical Garden.

When you are done with all things outdoors, hit the capital, Tbilisi. You will find labyrinth cobbled streets mixed with more recent architecture. In spite of its rustic charm, you can party all night long. Think Berlin, but cheaper.

Visit Georgia before this unspoilt haven changes, take a look at our group tours.


The news depicts a turbulent country but Zimbabwe is one of the safest places to visit in Africa. Travel to it’s National Parks and you have a good chance of spotting the big five along with a whole ensemble of African wildlife and birds. Matobo National park also has beautiful scenery with forest-covered hills and the occasional impressive granite monolith. There are also ancient cave rock paintings dating back at least 13,000 years, Zimbabwe is more than just a wildlife hub.

The world heritage ruins of Great Zimbabwe which was home to up to 18,000 inhabitants during the Iron age is a must see. Wander around the circular stone structures, close to the town of Masvingo. And who could forget the natural wonder of Victoria Falls?

See a past the headlines and visit Zimbabwe in 2019, check out our tours here.


This quiet corner of Southeast Asia is has stunning untouched landscapes waiting to be explored. The strong French influence of the capital provides a contrast to rural life along the Mekong and in the paddy fields. Laos is often sidelined by its better-known neighbours, inexpensive and packed with old-fashion charm and natural wonder, it should be on your travel wish list in 2019.

Make 2019 the year you discover Laos.

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