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Comfort food from around the world

From big bowls of mac and cheese to hearty roast dinners, comfort food comes in all shapes and sizes. However, through my adventures around the world, I have noticed one dish, that is served as a comfort food globally. And that, my fellow travelers, is the infamous rice and beans! Rice and beans are staple […]

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Journey to the Amazon Jungle

When it comes to travel or even thinking about where to go next, few think to consider the Amazon Jungle. This remote location covers an area of 2,300,000 square miles, with a mass of rainforest filled with an incredibly rich variety of biodiversity. It’s almost unbelievable to think that you have the opportunity to catch […]

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What to pack for the Inca Trail

I’ve recently returned from an incredible two weeks in Peru, naturally booking myself on to do the famous Inca Trail as part of my trip. Like the majority of travellers, I’d searched online and asked around for tips on what to pack for a four-day adventure that would take me to the lost city of […]

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10 Reasons to visit Italy

Italy, the land of romance, art and indulgence, is rich in history, charm and drenched in style. Being the birthplace of some of the world’s biggest brands, famous artists and renowned chefs, the influence that Italy has had on the world is unparalleled. Tours to Italy are forever becoming more and more popular, and it’s […]

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10 unique animals of the Galapagos Islands

A cruise to the famed Galapagos Islands is a once in a lifetime opportunity and a mecca for wildlife buffs. The archipelagos consists of 20 islands with only 4 being inhabited. Going on a Galapagos tour is like walking into a David Attenborough documentary! And the animals here are not your ordinary type – they […]

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Trending destinations in 2019

Seasoned globe-trotter or saving up for your first big trip several time zones away from home, the question of where to head for an eye-opening and refreshing adventure is something we all ponder. To welcome in this brand new year we’ve put together our round-up of trending destinations for the year ahead. Here’s to a […]

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9 top tips for solo travel in Europe

For some, solo travel in Europe sounds intimidating, daunting and a little scary. But overcome those feelings, and you could have the most empowering experience of your life. Don’t be put off by thinking you’ll be lonely or worrying you’ll get lost. These are all things that you can overcome with a little extra planning. […]

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Game of Thrones filming locations you can visit

Game of Thrones fans everywhere are waiting with baited breath for the concluding season to air, when we will finally uncover the fate of Jon Snow and Daenerys. Yes, there has been some other much-loved shows out in the last few years (we’re talking Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead), but there are no fans […]

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Trekking in the Annapurna Foothills

Nepal is a hikers paradise. Combining stunning peaks, tranquil lakes and charming villages, it remains a popular destination for adventure travellers. Nepal is home to 8 out of 10 of the world’s highest peaks, including the monstrous Mount Everest! Trekking in the Annapurna Foothills is a popular activity amongst the adventurous out there who don’t wish […]

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Slothing around Costa Rica

My mind was made up, it was time…. time to meet a sloth. I’d been to Central America before, and been to South America, but I’d never experienced a sloth sighting. Desperate times call for desperate decisions and so I decided to make my way to Costa Rica with the express intent on seeing at […]

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