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The Pantanal, Brazil.

The Pantanal is one of the world’s largest wetlands, it’s located in Mato Grosso do Sul state, in the south of Brasil. The Pantanal extends also into Bolivia and Paraguay and the estimated area is about 195000 Square Km. It gets water from Paraguay river and another tributaries, on the rainy season the water level raises between 2 […]

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Tungurahua Volcano erupts just outside Baños

Boom! I woke briefly, sleepily wondered what the noise was, then quickly fell back asleep. After years of being on the road, and living in noisy cities, I am an awesome sleeper. It wasn’t until about an hour later, when I stumbled out of my tent, and saw an unusual mist in the air, did […]

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Climbing Volcanoes outside Antigua

As I pulled myself up the steep hill to the next view point, still shrouded in cloud, I wondered really why I was bothering to climb this volcano at all. The tour had arrived in Antigua, a city in the central highlands of Guatemala. The cooler temperatures were definitely welcomed by the group after nine […]

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Crossing the Cambodian Border

I have always said there is nothing quite like a good old border crossing. Whether your crossing the border from Chile to Argentina to get over to the Mendoza side to just sample some the amazing wines that are on the Argentina side.  Or maybe even crossing the Bulgaria to Turkey border where as you […]

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Honeymooning in the Masai Mara NR

We got married on Saturday 6 April 2013 in Pittwater, Sydney. An amazing day. One week later, after leaving our jobs, moving out of our apartment in Sydney, we packed our bags and set off on our honeymoon – 9 months backpacking around the world! The Masai Mara NR It was a long bumpy drive along dusty roads […]

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The Amazing Amazon

Let me start by saying I hate snakes. In fact, I am not sure that hate is a strong enough word for something that makes my skin crawl, my hands sweat and my pulse race. I blame my Dad for this phobia, as when I was about 12 years old he insisted on allowing a […]

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Charming Transylvania

When you think of Romania the first thing that comes to a lot of peoples’ minds is Transylvania and Dracula. It is true that there is plenty of myth around the infamous vampire, however Romania is much more than this one story. It is a world of quaint wooden villages, horse drawn carts, rolling fields […]

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Rio Carnival – A weekend to remember

I don’t know about you, but there are some words that automatically transport me to a much better place than where I am at the moment.  For example, I hear “pyramids”, and I automatically think “Egypt”.  I hear “vodka”, and I think “Russia”.  I hear “curry”, and I will often think “Indian” vs any other […]

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Jewels of Sri Lanka

I have just returned from your FABULOUS tour of Sri Lanka. As I do on many of my holidays, I wrote a poem about our experiences and read it to the group on the last night. We came to Sri Lanka to see the land,Experience the culture, learn it all first hand. Prisanth was our guide; […]

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My Mexican Summer

It’s been three months since the heat of Mexico prickled under my skin.  There are still moments in days where I catch myself staring vacantly into the Brisbane sky, waiting for the waft of toasting corn chips or the squeals of Mexican children yelling ‘Hola’ to the pasty white tourists being herded through the protestors […]

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