2020 was a year of many changes, but few people had their lives turned upside down quite like the amazing tour leaders and guides who work all around the world. Today we are speaking to Isaac and Josh, who until the pandemic hit, were leading our groups of adventurers around Southeast Asia.

Hi Josh and Isaac, where are you from and where do you call home?

Josh: I’m from England. Not sure exactly where I would call home as I move around a lot! Isaac: I am Spanish, but I could not say where I call home, as I have lived in different places over the last 14 years – Ireland, UK and Asia.

What is your association with Tucan Travel and how long have you worked with us?

Isaac: I am a Tour Leader in the Southeast Asia region, I have been in the company for 2 years. Josh: Exactly the same, 2 years and all around Southeast Asia!

Isaac and a group at Miyajima in Japan

Where were you when the Covid situation first became an issue?

Josh: I was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia when we started hearing about it on the news. No one knew exactly what would unfold so it was quite unnerving. Isaac: I was running a tour in Japan at the time, where Covid did not seem to be much of an issue compared to the measures that other countries were taken, but that soon changed!

What were the main personal and professional challenges you experienced at that time?

Isaac: More than a challenge, it was the uncertainty of not knowing if I was going to get out of Asia. I kept reading news about flights being cancelled, countries closing their borders, and while I was in Japan everything seemed quite normal, there was no panic or any extra measures taken, everything felt kind of confusing. I seem to remember I was the last tour running at that time, my group wanted to carry on till the end, but for their own safety (and from the advice of most of the countries asking people to come back) the tour had to finish earlier. This was something I would never expected to do, cancel a tour due to a world pandemic! Fortunately for me and the rest of my group, everyone could change their flights and get home early. Josh: The uncertainty of having to put my job in Asia on hold was certainly not pleasant. As well as saying goodbye to Asia for now was not nice!

Did you remain where you were were or return home?

Josh: I went to my mother’s house in London! Isaac: Actually, me too! I spent the first few months of the pandemic in London, where Josh and his mum opened their home to me until I was able to fly to Spain. The favour was returned when he visited me in Spain once the restrictions were lifted during summer.

What have you been doing since the virus began both personally and professionally?

Isaac: I have been able to spend loads of time with my family, I do not remember the last time I spent more than 2 weeks in Spain. In the meantime, to make the most of this time that I have for myself, I completed an English teaching course, I am learning Japanese and giving English lessons to kids. Josh: During the first lockdown, I volunteered as a driver for a charity who delivered food parcels to people who were at high risk of the virus. After the first lockdown finished I worked at a bar in East London for some time. I’m currently working as a builder on an environmentally friendly building site in Algarve, Portugal. So quite a few changes!

Has the Covid situation deterred you from future travel and/or working in the travel industry?

Josh: Not at all, I miss Asia! Isaac: I don’t think it has, in my opinion travelling is going to be a bit different till everything goes back to normal but having not experienced anything like this before it is difficult to say, although definitely it is not going to stop me from travelling in the future.

Josh and his group enjoying Christmas 2019 in Penang

How has your home country and the people’s lifestyle changed since the covid situation began?

Isaac: To anyone that does not know Spanish people, we are very social, always out, we kiss and hug each other all the time, it is part of our culture! It is very strange nowadays not being able to experience that. Queues to enter the shops and the fact that everyone has to wear a mask at all times is something quite shocking too. Josh: Life in London changed a lot. I’m glad the first lockdown was in summer though. At least we could enjoy some good weather in the parks and in the garden.

Has there been any benefits to the situation?

Josh: Its been great to reconnect with family and friends from England. It was by far the longest amount of time I have spent in England for around 7 years. It also prompted me to travel around Europe as going back to Asia is tricky now. When the restrictions first lifted in summer, I took my motorcycle on a ferry from South England to North Spain, spent some time with Isaac and his family before driving down the Mediterranean coast to South Portugal where I am currently working. Isaac: Like I said before, this situation has given me plenty of time to be with my family, learn new skills and languages.

Do you think that any good will come out of this year for the tourism industry?

Josh: The positive I can see for the tourism industry is that once this whole situation has calmed down, loads of people are going to want to travel. The toll of the virus for all the people relying on tourism industry is huge.

Check out some of the trips that Josh and Isaac would normally run by clicking here to see Tucan Travel’s Southeast Asia trips! Or browse our other destinations here.

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