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My Mexican Summer

It’s been three months since the heat of Mexico prickled under my skin.  There are still moments in days where I catch myself staring vacantly into the Brisbane sky, waiting for the waft of toasting corn chips or the squeals of Mexican children yelling ‘Hola’ to the pasty white tourists being herded through the protestors […]

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The Amazon Jungle in Peru

What’s at the top of your bucket list?  If you are among the people who voted for the New 7 Wonders of the World, there is a 1 in 7 chance you would say Machu Picchu.  It was certainly near the top of mine, and enough of a motivating factor for me to plan a […]

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Exploring Rio de Janeiro alone

In the Spring of 2010, a little jaded from a high pressure Travel Sales job in Dublin, I decided to investigate the possibility of moving to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil,/a>, as I had long been fascinated with Brazilian life and culture, especially the exotic music I had listened to for years. I had taken […]

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Imagine if we had missed the bus?

There had been talk of ‘the walk’ since we arrived in Costa Rica. Who was in? Who was out? Who was in, then out? Who was in, but when they woke to the La Fortuna skies dripping and black contemplated a rich warm coffee and accidentally, on purpose, missing the bus? Turns out my best […]

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Living life on the edge, ice climbing

When I came to Patagonia, I expected to wind down after my travels through Antarctica, after what has been a very hectic year of travel. But Patagonia has forced me to sit up and notice her and continued to challenge me physically, dishing up new challenges and stunning vistas that have left me awestruck at […]

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Silverbacks and baby gorillas

After three hours of trekking through the wet and slippery undergrowth we take a breath, “we are close” the ranger whispers and motions for us to place our walking poles on the ground. We had been instructed to do this back at the base, the sticks reminding the gorillas of the poachers and hunters who […]

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India – Makes you Nama-stay Longer

India – ahhh where to begin with you.  Before arriving at the airport of Delhi, you know you are going to experience one of the most fascinating countries this wonderful world has to offer.  I am doing the Rajasthan Explored tour and I have never been more excited to see a country that everyone had […]

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What to pack for a Gorilla Trek

The Gorilla Trek is something you will probably only do once so you want to make sure you get it right. Having just returned from my hike, I sat down and compiled the ultimate Gorilla Trek Packing List.  The Gorilla Trek is the ultimate adventure and complete privilege to complete. I loved every minute of […]

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Blog & Win Winner Announced

We are delighted to announce that Anna Bauer has won Tucan Travel’s Blog & Win competition for 2013. She delighted us all with her account of her Magical Mexico Group Tour describing the days spent exploring Mayan ruins and nights sampling the tequila and mezcal the country is known for. Joining a Group Tour on […]

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Celebrating Songkran in Bangkok

The Songkran festival is celebrated in ,a href=””>Thailand,/a> in mid-April. Different provinces may have varying lengths of celebrations but the main dates are April 13-15. This is the Thai equivalent to New Year. Traditionally Songkran is a time to cleanse Buddha images and then use this same “blessed” water to pour over family and friends […]

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