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Laughing Yoga in Hanoi

  In need of a good laugh? Start you day with this routine, very funny, but maybe not for your family…   If you are an early riser and wish to take part in one of the most unusual group activities I have ever seen in my life then I strongly recommend going to Hoan […]

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Sunrise at Angkor Wat

Walking amongst a growing crowd on uneven ground at 5.30am in absolute darkness, I remind everyone that there’s water on their right-hand side – no-one can see it, there’s no current so you can’t hear it, but trust me it’s best not to veer too far over to the right. We’re all looking down at […]

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A Fabu-Laos Time

The reality of traveling is that we all try to visit the country that most intrigues us.  And sometimes those triggers can stem from seeing that country on a travel show, on a movie (New Zealand surpassed the two-million mark the year after the first Lord of The Rings was released, according to Tourism New […]

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Singapore: A great starting place for the novice traveller

Travel is an exciting experience for most but for some, the uncertainty and fear that accompanies travel to a foreign destination can be enough to stop them from ever leaving their own backyard! The idea of arriving into a country that looks different and smells different, where people eat different food, and especially countries where […]

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Touring Japan for the Cherry Blossom

Most travellers are drawn to Japan for the abundance of delicious sushi, made from fish plucked fresh from the surrounding seas. Others want an insight into the unique culture which, although has some Chinese influence has remained steady over the centuries. Some travellers are fascinated by the Japanese bathrooms, known to be some of the […]

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Sunrise at Tikal at the end of the Mayan Calendar

It was 2.40am when our alarms went off. Quietly and in a sleepy haze we lifted our sighing rucksacks onto our backs and trekked down the stairs to the hotel lobby where we filed, silently into the awaiting private bus.  It was an hour’s drive to Tikal we were told, and they expected the roads […]

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India – An Attack on the Senses!

Having discovered my passion for travel in my late teens and travelled extensively throughout my twenties, it was with great excitement that I boarded my flight to Delhi last November, keen to see what this new and mysterious country had to offer. Like many travellers to India, I had done some research before I left […]

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It’s A Jungle Out There

Minglabar from Myanmar! Formerly called Burma, this country has only recently started opening up to westerners. Myanmar has had a turbulent history with many countries in the west imposing sanctions due to the human rights violations that have occurred here and these violations were highlighted in 2007 with the Saffron Revolution. This was when Buddhist […]

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Matt and Tanya

Chelsea Danger on London on a Budget

London is known for many things. Unfortunately, one of the most well-known things about the city is how expensive it is. Well, in my opinion – that’s not ok. I am an avid traveler with a desire to see the world regardless of the colour of the people, the religion of citizens, or how much […]

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Gorilla Trekking in the Rwandan Rainforest

Gorilla trekking… the measure of adventureHave you ever heard of the human travel gauge? That’s when you tell someone you’re close to like your mom, grandmother, best friend etc. about your next off the wall adventure. The more shock they register, often the better and more authentic experience you will have.My human travel gauge is […]

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Travelling on a Budget in Peru

To be honest my favorite type of traveling is the independent type; I’m more built for small groups of people (inherited off my Mum?) and doing what I want when I want. That said there is definitely some big pros to group travel, one that we had really been looking forward to was putting our […]

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Zoe’s Trans Mongolian Adventure

The Trans Mongolian Railway holds a certain mystique for adventure travellers. It’s one of the classic overland routes like the Trans Siberian which keeps attracting curious travellers every year. Part of my job at Tucan Travel is to organise the accommodation and the trains for the clients travelling on our Trans Mongolian Railway tour, which […]

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The Adventures of Zoe and the Inca Trail Trek

I have recently returned from a slightly modified version of Tucan Travel’s Ballestas 1 tour. As I work in the London head office recruiting our tour leaders and drivers, during my trip I am required to also spend a bit of time in our Cuzco office struggling with their Spanish-speaking computers. This means that I don’t conclude […]

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Introducing the All-New Amphibious Vehicle!

Inspired by the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me, this April we announce that travellers will be able to drive up out of the water and onto the beach, just like Bond did in his seriously cool Lotus. Amphibious automobiles have been conceived from circa 1900, however the Second World War significantly stimulated […]

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Tucan Travel raises £30,000 with its Carbon Offset

We are thrilled to announce that in the two years since we introduced our carbon offset scheme, we have raised £34,000 through clients and our own donations for the World Land Trust and its work restoring and protecting rainforests. We also saw the percentage of clients contributing to the carbon offset scheme nearly double from […]

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Sampling Vietnamese Cuisine

So what should I try?I always recommend trying the local dishes specific to wherever you are at the time, even though Vietnam is a relatively small country it is still diverse and has three distinctly different culinary zones; Northern, Central and Southern. Northern Vietnam Northern Vietnamese cooking is the least bold in flavor compared to […]

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Exploring Africa by Road

One thing you should realise when travelling in Africa by road is that it’s a HUGE continent. It takes time to get from one sight to the next.  Many people come not having thought much about this. They are shocked by the long days we spend driving to the next point of interest. To me, the […]

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Defining Myanmar

Since Myanmar opened and after President Obama’s visit last year we have had a big boom of tourists visiting. If you’re reading the guidebooks, the main place to visit is Yangon with its famous Shwedagon pagoda, Sule Pagoda and its old British colonial buildings, you have the Mt Kyaikiyo with The Golden Rock, Bago a […]

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Quality Overland Vehicles

Tucan Travel Expedition VehiclesAre you planning a journey on one of Tucan Travel’s mighty overland expedition vehicles? Discover why our big yellow trucks are the best in the business. Tucan Travel’s Overland FleetWe are proud to boast the best expedition vehicles in Patagonia and East and Southern Africa, today. We own a modern fleet of powerful Mercedes Benz Actros […]

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An Insider’s View on Patagonia

The wild, untamed landscapes of Patagonia in the most southern tip of South America may seem like a faraway destination. The region, situated between Argentina and Chile is remote. Famous for its vast national parks and jaw-dropping natural wonders, it is a destination to be conquered and explored. Maybe you are itching to discover Patagonia? […]

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Markets of Stone Town

Zanzibar Spice Island; the name itself throws forward images of an exotic and chaotic scene of sailors, traders and pirates. Prior to arrival, I had a preconceived notion of Zanzibar that would not be that far removed from a scene in Treasure Island. This says that 1. I have an overactive imagination and 2. Zanzibar […]

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Feeling at peace in Lake Bled

‘After you’ve finished we can take a pletna out to Bled Island.’ She said smiling. ‘There’s no rush is there?’ I replied, snapping out of my reverie. ‘No, no. You savour your kremna rezina. No-one rushes at Lake Bled.’ I skewered another piece of delicate pastry on the end of my fork and gestured towards […]

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Zoe’s mid-life crisis tour of Africa

Never one to be patient and do things properly at 29 I decided I was due a mid-life crisis and resultantly handed in my notice as one of Tucan Travel’s destination managers. I then booked myself onto an Overland Tour from Nairobi to Cape Town to erm just gather my thoughts…. Head still slightly fuzzy […]

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Tanya’s Highlight. The Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of my most favourite places that we visit in Southern Africa.  The day before we depart we are all packing and re-packing to condense our luggage, kitchen and food down to a manageable amount, so it is a bit hectic.  However once we depart camp, the real fun […]

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Con-salt your senses!

Opting to leave Peru for Bolivia the day before Peruvian Independence Day was perhaps not one of my smartest decisions. It appeared that the entire Peruvian Population who reside in Bolivia were making their way back over the boarder to get ready for the celebrations.  After resolving some issues with departure papers myself and my […]

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Highlights of Colombia

Colombia’s Top Three… There is something about Colombia that gets under your skin. ‘Colombia es Pasion’ boldly states one of their tourist board’s slogans and after spending just a few days there, it is hard to disagree. Writers, conquistadors and travellers alike have all fallen deliriously in love with this land over the years, yet […]

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Exploring the Sacred Valley of the Incas

Naturally, one of the first things we wonder about is the name: was it really holy or is it just a dramatic pseudonym of more modern times? Our local guide has the answer and, after all, it doesn’t come as a surprise: the Incas did bow down to the grandeur and richness of this valley […]

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Watching the Wildebeest Migration

Travelling has the capacity to open your eyes so wide and show you a world that you may never have imagined existed. For me it’s a compulsion, it’s an improbable and unforeseeable adventure, which excites me immensely. The people, the culture, the scenery, the language, the smells, the atmosphere…  Everything about visiting a whole new […]

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Tungurahua Volcano erupts just outside Baños

Boom! I woke briefly, sleepily wondered what the noise was, then quickly fell back asleep. After years of being on the road, and living in noisy cities, I am an awesome sleeper. It wasn’t until about an hour later, when I stumbled out of my tent, and saw an unusual mist in the air, did […]

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The Pantanal, Brazil.

The Pantanal is one of the world’s largest wetlands, it’s located in Mato Grosso do Sul state, in the south of Brasil. The Pantanal extends also into Bolivia and Paraguay and the estimated area is about 195000 Square Km. It gets water from Paraguay river and another tributaries, on the rainy season the water level raises between 2 […]

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Los Baños de Perú

As Kenny, of Aussie portaloo fame once said, toilets ought to be the first thing that people think about when they’re organising things, but it’s not. Considering how often travellers in third world countries get diarrhoea, you’d also think it would be a top priority when you’re travelling. Wanting to get to the loo nearest […]

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Getting wet in the Galapagos

The Galapagos became famous when Charles Darwin visited in 1835 to conduct his landmark research that led to his revolutionary theories on evolution by natural selection.  Nowadays it is one of the most remarkable wildlife adventure travel destinations you will ever visit, the amazingly diverse range of unique land and marine animals and birds that […]

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The Amazing Amazon

Let me start by saying I hate snakes. In fact, I am not sure that hate is a strong enough word for something that makes my skin crawl, my hands sweat and my pulse race. I blame my Dad for this phobia, as when I was about 12 years old he insisted on allowing a […]

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Honeymooning in the Masai Mara NR

We got married on Saturday 6 April 2013 in Pittwater, Sydney. An amazing day. One week later, after leaving our jobs, moving out of our apartment in Sydney, we packed our bags and set off on our honeymoon – 9 months backpacking around the world! The Masai Mara NR It was a long bumpy drive along dusty roads […]

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Crossing the Cambodian Border

I have always said there is nothing quite like a good old border crossing. Whether your crossing the border from Chile to Argentina to get over to the Mendoza side to just sample some the amazing wines that are on the Argentina side.  Or maybe even crossing the Bulgaria to Turkey border where as you […]

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Climbing Volcanoes outside Antigua

As I pulled myself up the steep hill to the next view point, still shrouded in cloud, I wondered really why I was bothering to climb this volcano at all. The tour had arrived in Antigua, a city in the central highlands of Guatemala. The cooler temperatures were definitely welcomed by the group after nine […]

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The Amazon Jungle in Peru

What’s at the top of your bucket list?  If you are among the people who voted for the New 7 Wonders of the World, there is a 1 in 7 chance you would say Machu Picchu.  It was certainly near the top of mine, and enough of a motivating factor for me to plan a […]

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My Mexican Summer

It’s been three months since the heat of Mexico prickled under my skin.  There are still moments in days where I catch myself staring vacantly into the Brisbane sky, waiting for the waft of toasting corn chips or the squeals of Mexican children yelling ‘Hola’ to the pasty white tourists being herded through the protestors […]

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Jewels of Sri Lanka

I have just returned from your FABULOUS tour of Sri Lanka. As I do on many of my holidays, I wrote a poem about our experiences and read it to the group on the last night. We came to Sri Lanka to see the land,Experience the culture, learn it all first hand. Prisanth was our guide; […]

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Rio Carnival – A weekend to remember

I don’t know about you, but there are some words that automatically transport me to a much better place than where I am at the moment.  For example, I hear “pyramids”, and I automatically think “Egypt”.  I hear “vodka”, and I think “Russia”.  I hear “curry”, and I will often think “Indian” vs any other […]

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Charming Transylvania

When you think of Romania the first thing that comes to a lot of peoples’ minds is Transylvania and Dracula. It is true that there is plenty of myth around the infamous vampire, however Romania is much more than this one story. It is a world of quaint wooden villages, horse drawn carts, rolling fields […]

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India – Makes you Nama-stay Longer

India – ahhh where to begin with you.  Before arriving at the airport of Delhi, you know you are going to experience one of the most fascinating countries this wonderful world has to offer.  I am doing the Rajasthan Explored tour and I have never been more excited to see a country that everyone had […]

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Silverbacks and baby gorillas

After three hours of trekking through the wet and slippery undergrowth we take a breath, “we are close” the ranger whispers and motions for us to place our walking poles on the ground. We had been instructed to do this back at the base, the sticks reminding the gorillas of the poachers and hunters who […]

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Living life on the edge, ice climbing

When I came to Patagonia, I expected to wind down after my travels through Antarctica, after what has been a very hectic year of travel. But Patagonia has forced me to sit up and notice her and continued to challenge me physically, dishing up new challenges and stunning vistas that have left me awestruck at […]

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Imagine if we had missed the bus?

There had been talk of ‘the walk’ since we arrived in Costa Rica. Who was in? Who was out? Who was in, then out? Who was in, but when they woke to the La Fortuna skies dripping and black contemplated a rich warm coffee and accidentally, on purpose, missing the bus? Turns out my best […]

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Exploring Rio de Janeiro alone

In the Spring of 2010, a little jaded from a high pressure Travel Sales job in Dublin, I decided to investigate the possibility of moving to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil,/a>, as I had long been fascinated with Brazilian life and culture, especially the exotic music I had listened to for years. I had taken […]

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Exploring Burma

Having never been anywhere in Asia before, finding out that I was going to be traveling to Burma/Myanmar gave me a mini anxiety attack. I had no idea what to expect and the CNN documentary with Anthony Bourdain that aired in April didn’t set my mind at ease. Not only did it confirm all that […]

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Central America over Semana Santa

If you were wondering the place(s) to be for Semana Santa (Holy Week) and Easter in general – look no further than our Quetzal Highway tour running from Cancun, Mexico – party central to Antigua, Guatemala – the only place to be for Easter Sunday! Starting in Cancun but heading out the next day to […]

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Celebrating Songkran in Bangkok

The Songkran festival is celebrated in ,a href=””>Thailand,/a> in mid-April. Different provinces may have varying lengths of celebrations but the main dates are April 13-15. This is the Thai equivalent to New Year. Traditionally Songkran is a time to cleanse Buddha images and then use this same “blessed” water to pour over family and friends […]

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Blog & Win Winner Announced

We are delighted to announce that Anna Bauer has won Tucan Travel’s Blog & Win competition for 2013. She delighted us all with her account of her Magical Mexico Group Tour describing the days spent exploring Mayan ruins and nights sampling the tequila and mezcal the country is known for. Joining a Group Tour on […]

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What to pack for a Gorilla Trek

The Gorilla Trek is something you will probably only do once so you want to make sure you get it right. Having just returned from my hike, I sat down and compiled the ultimate Gorilla Trek Packing List.  The Gorilla Trek is the ultimate adventure and complete privilege to complete. I loved every minute of […]

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My Cambodia or Wat

One of the best things about traveling to a distant, exotic, foreign countries is meeting the  people who call those countries home. You can see different temples, shopping centers, restaurants or any kind of attractions in every country, but people are what really makes the difference. Cambodia didn’t disappoint – not with temples and definitely […]

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Overnight Camel ride in Jaisalmer

There is a lot more to India than just the typical Golden Triangle route, which of course is an epic tour on its own.  If you choose a tour that explores the Rajasthan area, then you will notice many visit Jaisalmer, and there is no denial why.  It is a very beautiful and historic city […]

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Best time to travel to Nepal and India

When choosing where to travel to on your next big trip, it is always important to research when the best time to travel is. If India/a> and Nepal are on your radar for an upcoming tour, check out our recommendations below for the best time to venture to these two fascinating countries. Weather As the […]

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The beauty of the Masai Mara

Imagine that it is 6am, the Sun is just rising and your jeep is in the middle of the African Savannah. So many beautiful creatures surround you and this is the perfect time of day to see them. Giraffes and zebra make their way to watering holes where they are joined by elephants, buffalo and […]

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Ruins, puppies and cheese in Belize

This story is one of my favourite stories to tell because it was so unexpected – one of those days where everything just fell into place. I was in San Ignacio, near the border of Guatemala in Belize, and I was with my Dutch friend, Ellen. Us two had decided that we wanted to go […]

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An adventure in Chitwan National Park

After a couple of days in the sleepy town of Lumbini visiting the birth place of Lord Buddha and playing cricket in the pitch black it was time to get on our way again and head for Chitwan National Park. There was a petrol shortage in Nepal at the time so the bus drove around […]

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Things to do in Recife

Recife, Brazil’s fifth largest city is located along the northern coast. This vibrant city has the old colonial charm, city vibe and laid back beach culture. Bridges and canals connect this city surrounded by water- hence known as “Venice of Brazil.” Visitors shouldn’t bypass the historical sites, art, beaches and of course, football of Recife. […]

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Things to do in Manaus

The meeting of the waters A sight not to be missed from Manaus, the meeting of the waters is the point where the dark Rio Negro meets the sandy colours Amazon River. Along a stretch of the river, the colours muddy together to the point where you can see exactly where the waters mix. Visit […]

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About the Caxirola

(Photo from What is the Caxirola? An instrument decorated in the colours of Brazil’s national flag, the caxirola is destined to be the sound of the summer and become as well known as the dreaded vuvuzela. The caxirola is the official musical instrument for the 2014 World Cup and designed by Carlinhos Brown and […]

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Spotting Rhino in Chitwan National Park

It was only a matter of minutes after stepping out of the dugout canoe when our guide, Bishnu came running out of the jungle to say that he had spotted our first rhino. The irony of the situation was not lost on me. Having spent two weeks in eastern Africa on Tucan Travels Gorillas & […]

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What To Pack For An Overland Tour In South America

Overland tours are a unique and adventurous way to explore South America. Overland travelers can visit cultural and historical sites including the Chauchilla Cemetery in Peru, shop for indigenous goods in Bolivia and Peru and even trek the Inca Trail. This South American overland tour packing list contains a list of recommended items and travel […]

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World Land Trust raises £1million for orangutans

The World Land Trust is an international conservation organisation that takes direct action to save rainforest and other biologically important lands. Since it was founded in 1989, it has helped local conservation organisations to purchase and protect over 400,000 acres of threatened habitats in Asia, Europe Central and South America. Tucan Travel has been working […]

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What you don’t know about Brazil

Yesterday it was announced that one in three people in the UK cannot place Brazil on a map. This is despite the football mad nation making up nearly half of the South American continent. With the kick-off of the World Cup now less than 36 hours away, Brazil is getting ready to have all eyes […]

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Things to do in Sao Paulo

Imagine the possibilities when visiting Sao Paulo- 110 museums, 240,000 stores, 200 helipads, 12,500 restaurants, 1,500 pizzerias, 70 nationalities and a population of almost 12 million. And over three football stadiums that sit 40,000 and more. Sao Paulo, the megalopolis city has always been the economic, sports and cultural center of Brazil. Nothing is stopping […]

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Sunrise over the Namib Desert

One of our most travelled Tucan Travel team members shares her thoughts on her favourite place in Africa: Working at Tucan Travel, I have been fortunate to see many countries but Namibia definitely has to be one of my favourites. It is packed full of wonderful things to see and do. One of the best […]

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Maramures and the Merry Cemetery, Romania

A full day excursion through the northwestern Romanian region of Maramures, home to many villages where century-old traditions are still part of daily life, has been added to the itinerary of our tours that cross from Hungary to Romania, such as our Transylvania Tale tour.  This addition enables us to explore the traditional rural lifestyle […]

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South America Flyer under the Microscope

Tucan Travel have launched a new Adventure Tour called ‘South America Flyer‘, In just 11 days, you will be able to admire colossal natural wonders and get to know Latin America’s most electrifying cities as you travel across the continent from Santiago to Rio de Janeiro. Encompassing South America’s principle gastronomic region, you’ll have plenty of opportunities […]

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Obtaining an Inca Trail Permit

The Inca Trail is an incredible 4-day trek through the Peruvian Andes, culminating in a first glimpse of the Lost City of the Incas from the Sun Gate on the fourth and final day. It is one of the most famous treks in the world, where you will literally be following in the footsteps of […]

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5 Reasons to Visit Russia in 2015

Russia is the largest country in the world. It spans over 9 different time zones and neighbours 14 different countries by land, making it one of the globe’s most diverse countries. Unfortunately, many people are put off visiting Russia due to visa issues, remote locations, and generally by presumptions about how mysterious and bizarre the […]

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11 Hilariously Practical Christmas Gifts for Travellers

Christmas shopping for a passionate traveller who’s already got all the guidebooks, scratch-maps and travel accessories they could ever need? There’ll be something for everyone in this alternative list of travel-inspired gifts. You heard it here first! 1. The Nubrella Any intrepid explorer has experienced the misery of plodding through torrential rain with squelching boots and […]

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7 of the best ways to save up for the trip of a lifetime

You have researched your top 10 destinations, earmarked your favourite pages in the travel brochures, and even started learning some basic Thai but here comes the tricky bit- how do you save up for the trip of your dreams? Travelling can be expensive, but luckily for you we have come up with 7 top tips […]

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Video diary: Day 4 at Rio Carnival

Blocos! Blocos everywhere! Greg and Carole from Travizeo spent the the Saturday of Rio Carnival weekend at the many parties around Rio de Janeiro! Catch it all the action on their Youtube Channel! Spread the love

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Video diary: Day 1 on the Road to Rio Carnival

Travizeo’s Greg Brand and Carole Charreteur have been out and about filming the run up to the huge and infamous Rio Carnival weekend, following three of our Overland Trucks as they complete the monster of all journeys. Every day they will be uploading a video of what they have got up to. You can browse […]

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Photo diary: Day 1 on the Road to Rio Carnival

We are delighted to be hosting the very lovely Greg Brand and Carole Charreteur in Brazil this week during the countries biggest celebrations, Rio Carnival. Greg and Carole will be updating us on their journey every day with photos and videos on Instagram, Youtube and Facebook so check back here or subscribe to their channels […]

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Reasons to visit: Salento, Colombia.

A flight delay and a missed connection were to blame for my first visit to Colombia. The visit was a short 14 hour trip to the slightly chaotic, somewhat gloomy Bogota. The airline offered me a hotel for the night and an old friend in town picked me up to take me to the bi-yearly […]

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Honeymoons with a difference

There are 3 important questions during wedding season.1) Will you marry me?2) Do you take XX to be your lawful wedded spouse?3) Where shall we go on our honeymoon? Now we can’t help you with the first two unfortunately (unless you happen to get engaged on one of our tours) but we can definitely help […]

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Top 7 dishes of Central America

During Marcus’ adventures across Central America he rounded up some of the best dishes for all the eager foodies out there! Try and get through this post without salivating- we dare you! Guatemala 1)The local speciality when you’re near the coastal areas of Guatemala is a rich seafood stew called ‘tapado’ made from fish, shrimp, […]

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Farewell Natalia- and good luck!

Our very own Natalia who has worked at Tucan Travel for a number of years is undertaking an exceptional challenge. She and the rest of the Coxless Crew are a four woman team who are attempting to achieve a world first by rowing 8,446 miles across the Pacific Ocean unsupported. They will be rowing out […]

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Visiting the Taj Mahal – Top tips

When is it open and when is best to go? The Taj Mahal is open to the public from sunrise to sunset every day except Friday when it is closed all day. Once a month it is also possible to view the Taj Mahal in the evening when there is a full moon. You can […]

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Rio Carnival 2015- Final Video!

Say hello to the final video of Rio Carnival 2015 from Greg and Carole over at Travizeo. Jam-packed with the top highlights from their adventure, it’s a three minute extravaganza into what to expect at the greatest party of the world as they followed one of our Budget Expeditions (18-35s) groups around Spread the love

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When In Doubt… Travel.

A year and a half ago I was fresh out of university and still had no clue what I wanted to be when I grew up. Considering I was 22 with a student loan and spent the best part of my life in education this was pretty awkward. Peers around me were joining graduate schemes, […]

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Walking on the wild side- The best places for amazing nature

So the first film you ever watched was the Lion King. You used to always drag your family to the zoo every weekend and your collection of stuffed toys was out of hand. You also became a PRO at photography and got great shots of the neighbour’s dog doing something viral worthy. Now though, you’re […]

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The Spectacular Cocora Trek

On a map, the Zona Cafetera (“Coffee Zone”) of Colombia is relatively small, however the extremely hilly landscape of the region helps the Andean country to be the second largest coffee producer in the world. This very same landscape, recently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, also allows for some incredible hiking. Unlike the likes […]

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Best of Instagram for November!

Our Instagram account this month has been flooded with some of the most exciting, colourful images that have been sent in from your adventures with us! Below are some of the best photos we have received that inspired our wanderlust. Remember to hashtag #tucantravel so we can share yours too! […]

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Tour Leader Insights: An Interview on Central America

Our tour leaders are hard to track down. You may find them hiking up volcanoes in Central America, trekking through the Amazon Jungle or playing “spot the lion” on one of our overland trucks somewhere in Africa. You may even find them at the most southerly tip of South America showing our travellers mammoth glaciers. […]

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Six Weeks till Christmas- Enjoy Christmas Day with a Difference

With only six weeks till Christmas, the festive season is sooner than you think (the radio has already started playing those all known favourites.)  Christmas is a time for loved ones, however, a little known fact, is that it’s also the time for travel, and if you’re anything like us, you’ll want a little sneaky […]

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Reasons to visit Central America in September

Escape to the tropics of Central America next month for the ultimate colourful getaway. September is known as the “green season” and although it has some rainfall, it also brings out some of its most famous wildlife. There are also festivals throughout its regions which will delight travellers wanting to see Central America away from […]

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Why Travel? 4 Reasons to go

Why travel the world? I’ve put together this short list of reasons why I think you should do your best to see as much of our beautiful planet as possible. 1. We are not guaranteed old age. It’s only in recent times that people are coming around to the idea that you don’t have to […]

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Top ten tours for 2016

2016 will certainly be a year to remember.The last 12 months have had everyone talking, from controversial politician debates to the colourful Rio Olympics. Meanwhile, we have had a great year taking our Tucan Travel passengers all across the globe.  But which destinations were the most popular? Below is a list of the top ten […]

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Zanzibar to Zambezi

There is so much more to Africa than wildlife safaris (although visiting the Masai Mara and Serengeti is a breath-taking experience in itself.) Reservations Manager, Steve Burke recently came back from our Zanzibar to Zambezi adventure and couldn’t wait to share his experience! Read his interview below to get an insider’s knowledge of travelling through […]

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Colombian Empanadas Recipe

Empanadas – small, golden brown bites of deliciousness, filled with a variety of ingredients, but in Colombia one of the most common recipes comes with beef. These are perfect for a snack on the go or a starter, and during my time in Colombia, I couldn’t get enough of them! Below is a recipe for […]

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Learning about Pablo Escobar in Medellín, Colombia

When I decided to pack-up my bags and spend 9 months travelling around South America, exploring Colombia and more specifically Medellín was my no.1 priority. Medellín was of course home to the most legendary cartel kingpin of all time – Pablo Escobar. Thanks to the hit Netflix series Narcos, we’re all aware of his excessive […]

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Myths and Legends from around the world

From ancient ruins steeped in history, to natural wonders that hide hidden beasts, there are plenty of myths and legends that surround some of our favourite destinations. Some have been told through the years to scare misbehaving children whilst others are ingrained in historical textbooks – below are just some of the most interesting tales […]

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Top tips for an adventure in Colombia

Do you have a hankering to visit Colombia but don’t know where to start? Perhaps you have always wanted to get under the skin of this feisty country but have been unsure where to begin? Have no fear! We have compiled some top tips for visiting Colombia that will help if you’re planning an adventure […]

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Day Trek to Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is easily one of the most coveted highlights on every avid adventurer’s list. Located high in the Andes, thousands flock to the ancient Inca city to explore the legendary ruins. Getting to Machu Picchu is a huge part of the experience. Many follow the well-trodden Inca Trail, a four day trek which includes […]

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Why you should visit the Balkans

Thousands of people include Europe in their travelling plans. Yes Italy, Spain and Portugal are absolutely beautiful but there are lots of places in Europe that are often overlooked. Emma Nelson recently travelled through Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania on a visit to the Balkans, before finishing in Dubrovnik. She wants to share […]

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Why you should visit Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is increasingly becoming high on people’s travel hit list. This is no wonder why when the Teardrop Island offers history, culture, beaches, wildlife spotting and spectacular scenery in one place. There are very few destinations that allow you to experience so much in one holiday. After touring the country for over 2 weeks last […]

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Celebrating World Oceans Day!

Whilst we are not deep-sea divers we do love to explore the unknown and care deeply about the welfare of our planet and its oceans. Below you can find the nine of our favourite destinations for visiting the world’s biggest oceans. 1. Pacific Ocean – Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica Watch the Pacific Ocean surf roll into […]

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Top 10 reasons to visit South East Asia in the rainy season

South East Asia, packed with beautiful temples, delicious food, breathtaking beaches and endless rice paddy landscapes. But when is the best time to go? Many people want to avoid the rainy season when making their travel plans, but actually, this can be the best time to visit! When is the rainy season in…..? 1. Thailand […]

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Interviews with the faces of our trucks – Sue!

We have been catching up with some familiar faces that are also the faces of our awesome overland trucks in Africa and South America. Sue who used to work with us gave us an interview on all things travel! 1) Can you tell us a bit about your time at Tucan Travel? When did you […]

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Interview with the faces of our trucks – Sail!

We have been catching up with some familiar faces that are also the faces of our awesome overland trucks in Africa and South America. Sail who used to work with us gave us an interview on all things travel! 1 )  Can you tell us a bit about your time at Tucan Travel? When did […]

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Tucan Travel Stories – Charlotte Gardiner

As  part of our 30th Birthday  celebrations we are collating stories from Tucan Travellers.  Charlotte’s story shows how travel can make for the best friendships! Read her story below. “I met a very dear friend when I went to Vietnam. Within half an hour we were joint at the hip! After the tour was over […]

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Where should you go to based on your horoscope?

Our *very authoritative* in-house astrologers (ahem) have been studying the stars and have compiled a list of the best destinations you should go to based on your horoscope! Aries  (March 21 – April 19) Costa Rica!  Aries are known for being active and energetic so there is no better to place to burn off some […]

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Top 5 experiences to have in Swaziland

In honour of Swaziland celebrating 50 years since its independence, we’re bringing you our top five experiences to have in what’s considered to be ‘Africa in a nutshell’. Stretching just 200 kilometres from north to south and being one of the few remaining monarchies in Africa, this tiny country is not only easy to get […]

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Top tips for going on a group tour

The time to pack your bags and take off on the ultimate group adventure is fast approaching, but whether you’re a newbie or a pro group traveller there’s always something new to learn with every experience. That’s why we’ve gathered our top tips and advice for making the most of your group tour so you’re […]

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7 Best things to do in Thailand

Tropical Thailand has thick jungle and stunning beaches as well as unmissable heritage sites. Here’s a round-up of our favourite places to visit if you are planning a trip to this magical kingdom. Grand Palace The Grand Palace is the must-see heritage site in the Thai capital. Nestled in the heart of Bangkok old town […]

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8 reasons you don’t want to visit Colombia

There’s not 5, not 10 but 8 (yes, we went there) reasons you really shouldn’t save up your hard earned cash to visit what was once voted the happiest country in the world. I mean, why would you want to put up with the loud salsa dancing on the streets of Cali, endless mountains and […]

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The Ultimate Scares this Halloween

Wherever you are in the world, whatever you are doing, there will be moments to do things that would normally terrify you. One of the best things about embarking on an adventure is getting outside of your comfort zone. This year, in celebration of Halloween, we have compiled a list of our ultimate scares. Ziplining […]

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Getting engaged in South America

When we found out that a couple had got engaged on one our tours in South America we had to find out more! Sophie kindly told us her story about her wonderful group tour to Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil! Sophie & Deiniol’s Story “We did the Buenos Aires to Rio Flyer tour. My partner booked it […]

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What’s so special about Buenos Aires?

At the moment, Argentina is great value for money due to recent sharp decline in the value of the peso. It is a seductive, diverse and vast country full of contrasts. From the icy end-of-the-earth Ushuaian wilderness to the European influence of the capital. The indigenous north in the Andean foothills, to gaucho estancias and […]

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Travel’s most haunting destinations to visit

Do you believe in ghosts or other paranormal presences? For years many have been fascinated by the stories and experiences that people around the world have had with other-worldly beings, often wondering if we’ll ever really find out if they’re real or fake. So whether you believe or not, and with Halloween fast approaching,  let […]

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Peruvian Tacu Tacu recipe

Peruvian cuisine might not be on the map in the same way as some of its Latin American neighbours, things are set to change and there’s a lot to shout about. It has a strong identity, whilst empanadas might be Latin American thoroughfare Peruvian dishes are uniquely Peruvian and brilliantly diverse. Not surprising when you […]

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Why it’s time to put Egypt on your bucket-list

Looking for an all year destination with culture, a warm welcome and the chance of a bargain? Look no further than Egypt, where history, hospitality, heat and the chance to haggle collide, offering you the adventure of a lifetime. History For over 7000 years Egypt has been a source of wonder and delight. With one […]

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Mastering the ultimate Colombian Arepa

When you think of Colombian cuisine really, what springs to mind? Spice? the endless consumption of coffee? (which is all totally fabulous by the way) or you know, that famous Colombian dish everyone raves about… The Burrito. Okay, okay, so whilst Colombian dishes aren’t exactly the same as Mexican there is still plenty in the way […]

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Journey to the Amazon Jungle

When it comes to travel or even thinking about where to go next, few think to consider the Amazon Jungle. This remote location covers an area of 2,300,000 square miles, with a mass of rainforest filled with an incredibly rich variety of biodiversity. It’s almost unbelievable to think that you have the opportunity to catch […]

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Comfort food from around the world

From big bowls of mac and cheese to hearty roast dinners, comfort food comes in all shapes and sizes. However, through my adventures around the world, I have noticed one dish, that is served as a comfort food globally. And that, my fellow travelers, is the infamous rice and beans! Rice and beans are staple […]

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8 things you should definitely do when you visit Cusco

Once known as the ancient capital of the Incas, Cusco now bursts at the seams with culture. Tradition holds strong and authenticity remains in tact with a legacy that dates back to the 15th Century. If you like history, you’ll definitely be missing out if you don’t find time to visit Cusco! Don’t let the […]

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8 unusual things to do in Lima

Welcome to the bustling capital city of Peru – Lima. One of the largest cities in South America, you could easily spend at least a few days exploring. You will come across pretty much anything you can expect from a large city. From outstanding restaurants selling local cuisine, colonial architecture, busy shopping districts and a […]

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10 things you should know before visiting Machu Picchu

Decided to take on the epic trek of Machu Picchu? Well, like all good things in life it doesn’t come easy! One of the most incredible (and popular!) adventures on the planet, definitely requires a little preparation. So, you’ve got your permit? Check. Hiking gear? Check. Passport? Check! Now, what else…There’s always a few things […]

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Trending destinations in 2019

Seasoned globe-trotter or saving up for your first big trip several time zones away from home, the question of where to head for an eye-opening and refreshing adventure is something we all ponder. To welcome in this brand new year we’ve put together our round-up of trending destinations for the year ahead. Here’s to a […]

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10 unique animals of the Galapagos Islands

A cruise to the famed Galapagos Islands is a once in a lifetime opportunity and a mecca for wildlife buffs. The archipelagos consists of 20 islands with only 4 being inhabited. Going on a Galapagos tour is like walking into a David Attenborough documentary! And the animals here are not your ordinary type – they […]

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10 Reasons to visit Italy

Italy, the land of romance, art and indulgence, is rich in history, charm and drenched in style. Being the birthplace of some of the world’s biggest brands, famous artists and renowned chefs, the influence that Italy has had on the world is unparalleled. Tours to Italy are forever becoming more and more popular, and it’s […]

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What to pack for the Inca Trail

I’ve recently returned from an incredible two weeks in Peru, naturally booking myself on to do the famous Inca Trail as part of my trip. Like the majority of travellers, I’d searched online and asked around for tips on what to pack for a four-day adventure that would take me to the lost city of […]

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Trekking in the Annapurna Foothills

Nepal is a hikers paradise. Combining stunning peaks, tranquil lakes and charming villages, it remains a popular destination for adventure travellers. Nepal is home to 8 out of 10 of the world’s highest peaks, including the monstrous Mount Everest! Trekking in the Annapurna Foothills is a popular activity amongst the adventurous out there who don’t wish […]

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Game of Thrones filming locations you can visit

Game of Thrones fans everywhere are waiting with baited breath for the concluding season to air, when we will finally uncover the fate of Jon Snow and Daenerys. Yes, there has been some other much-loved shows out in the last few years (we’re talking Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead), but there are no fans […]

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9 top tips for solo travel in Europe

For some, solo travel in Europe sounds intimidating, daunting and a little scary. But overcome those feelings, and you could have the most empowering experience of your life. Don’t be put off by thinking you’ll be lonely or worrying you’ll get lost. These are all things that you can overcome with a little extra planning. […]

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10 Best ways to save money for travelling

We all know the feeling, a destination has been on your list for months or even years but you can’t book because you don’t have the necessary funds. It’s frustrating and you’re probably spending a lot of time day dreaming about the feeling of finally being there. If this described your current situation then it […]

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Top 10 hikes to experience once in your lifetime

Whether you’re a seasoned trekker or countryside stroller, the world has some simply stunning hikes and walks in the great outdoors just waiting to be conquered. From Peru to Bulgaria, Nepal to New Zealand, there are a whole host of countries out there with some truly breathtaking views and landscapes.  Make this the year you […]

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4 books that will make you want to book a trip to Africa

Are you thinking of taking a trip to Africa? If so, you’re in the right place for a few suggested books to read and inspire you as you plan and enjoy one of our African adventures. Reading a book with a strong sense of place can really add something to your travel experience, and our […]

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11 things to do in Havana, Cuba

Cuba seems to be one of the few places in the world where time has stood still due to the long-lasting communist government. The country has resisted modernisations many of its “neighbours” in Central America have adopted. It’s the reason why more and more people want to travel to Cuba.  The capital Havana is the […]

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Slothing around Costa Rica

My mind was made up, it was time…. time to meet a sloth. I’d been to Central America before, and been to South America, but I’d never experienced a sloth sighting. Desperate times call for desperate decisions and so I decided to make my way to Costa Rica with the express intent on seeing at […]

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8 things to do in Israel

Israel is on the bucket list for many curious explorers and travellers with a keen interest in history. However, a lot of people have the miss-conception that the country isn’t safe to visit. Luckily we can tell you this isn’t true. In fact, travellers return from their visit to Israel telling quite the opposite story. […]

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Elephants – Why we Love Them

One of the most distinguishable creatures on the planet, with huge floppy ears and long trunks, elephants are a favourite at Tucan Travel. The largest land mammal in the world, elephants are found across Asia and Africa usually in family herds. Keep reading for some fun facts about elephants!  Both African and Asian elephants are […]

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Best places to visit in September 

The changing of seasons doesn’t have to be a bad thing, with September comes exciting possibilities for spend-thrift travellers, which let’s be honest, is most of us. Why not save on flights and accommodation outside high seasons so that you can splurge on gelato and local market souvenirs, or bigger ticket experiences. Did someone say […]

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5 Top travel experiences for families with young children

It can be difficult to organise a family adventure holiday, especially when you are travelling with young children. Maybe your kids are fairly young and you want them to experience something new that’s age appropriate. Or you have a young child and a teenager and want both to have fun on the same holiday? A […]

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10 best places to go in March

The best places to visit in March. If you’re wondering where is hot in March? or simply need some inspiration for your March holiday then you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for the 10 best places to visit in March. After a different month? Check out our travel calendar. 1. Chile Chile is 4,270km long which […]

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Earth’s greatest stargazing hotspots

There aren’t many things more mesmerising than gazing up at the Milky Way during a clear night sky and gaining a greater scope of the unimaginably colossal scale of our solar system. Whilst the stars can be witnessed regardless of where you are, some places on earth provide astronomical views with such clarity that gazing […]

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World Gorilla Day

Today marks the third iteration of World Gorilla Day, an annual event to raise awareness for the conservation and protection of the world’s mountain gorilla population. The event started on 24th September 2017, the fiftieth anniversary of the Karisoke Research Centre in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park. The centre was founded by legendary primatologist and conservationist, […]

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Why combining the Serengeti and Zanzibar Island is simply perfect

Nothing matches the rush of driving through the open plains and sweltering heat of the Serengeti. Eyes peeled. Heart pounding. Hoping for a glimpse of some of the most spectacular creatures that call this planet home. This is no trip to the zoo. Seeing lions on the prowl, giraffes grazing on high tree tops or […]

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Introducing Monica Mulenga

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with registered charity, The Book Bus.  Along with David Gordon, Monica is a core figure at The Book Bus. She is the Country Director of the Zambian team which works to provide books to the children here. Read more about Monica below:  Monica Mulenga strongly believes that […]

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New Year’s resolutions that should be on every traveller’s list

We only have one full day left in 2019 before it’s time to welcome a new decade into our lives. Have you settled your New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 already? In many ways it’s an odd tradition the ancient Babylonians have started over 4,000 years ago. Although the festivities were quite different back then. But […]

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Travel Trends in 2020

Less than two months until 2020 – we can’t believe it either. That means it’s time to get moving on your holiday planning for the coming year. To give you a bit of an overview of what’s happening in travel we have compiled a list of the best travel trends in 2020  1.Remote working The […]

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Top 10 things to do in Croatia

Croatia is the not-so-secret sparkling Mediterranean destination that offers a stunning coastline, gorgeous ancient cities and lush national parks. Perfect for history buffs, keen foodies, outdoor adventurers and sun worshipping beach lovers, it has everything you could ask for from a seaside European destination. If you’re planning a holiday to Croatia, keep reading for our […]

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The best things to do in Wroclaw

Is this one of the prettiest towns in Poland? We sure think so. And one of the hardest to pronounce? Most definitely. Welcome to Wroclaw! (“wrohtz-wahv”). This charming city in Western Poland has an abundance of history and culture, unique architecture and vibrant colourful buildings lining the streets. Krakow and Warsaw are undoubtedly the most […]

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It’s all about Chocolatada

Travelling responsibly and having a positive impact on the communities which we visit has always been at the heart of Tucan Travel. Today we are talking with Keiko – our Latin American Reservations Manager who has been with Tucan Travel for an incredible 20 years. Along with the rest of the Tucan Travel Peru staff, […]

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10 movies to watch to inspire your wanderlust

It’s natural to be feeling like life has come to a standstill – because it has! With the majority of borders closed, flights being cancelled and the world staying indoors, 2020 hasn’t exactly been what we all expected. Whether you are working from home, self-isolating or under strict quarantine, now more than ever we need […]

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Why you should visit the Maramures region of Romania

Perched on the coast of the Black Sea, Romania is one of the largest countries in Eastern Europe. Famous for the tales of Count Dracula, the fascinating nation is much less visited than many of its European neighbours. Yet it has an abundance of highlights that should entice the intrepid traveller. The region of Maramures, […]

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Introducing David Gordon, CEO of The Book Bus

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with registered charity, The Book Bus.  Founded in 2008 by publisher Tom Maschler, and now run by former overland travel expert David Gordon, The Book Bus operates a fleet of buses in Zambia, Malawi and Ecuador, providing reading schemes for schools in these countries. The charity provides reading […]

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Books that transport you across the globe

Books have a fantastic way of transporting the reader to a world and time other than their own. Whilst some stories take place in locations that we consider familiar, many manage to portray images of places, cultures and eras around the planet so vividly that they take us to lands that are totally foreign. During […]

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Tucan Travel turns 33 years old!

This week Tucan Travel is turning 33 years old! It’s hard to believe that back in 1987, when a few eager overland travellers decided to start their own company, that we would be where we are today. 2020 hasn’t gone as we all hoped so far, but we look back on our travel memories with […]

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Dream trips to plan for the future – Part 1

If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that no – we don’t have all the time in the world. The start of the new decade was like any other year – families parted ways after Christmas celebrations and travelled home, adventurers looked ahead to all their exciting holiday plans and many were busy assessing how […]

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10 best places to go in November

Are you wondering what are the best places to go in November? We’re passionate about adventure travel and with 33 years of experience in this niche industry, we understand that this travel style is different from your relaxing-by-the-hotel-pool holiday. The best time to embark on your adventure holiday may differ from the common perception of […]

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Dream trips to plan for the future – Part 2

We hope you are still full of inspiration and wanderlust for your next adventure – after all planning is all part of the fun. We started off our dream trips to plan for the future – part 1 here. Now one of the history lovers, foodies and island worshippers – where’s your dream destination?  For […]

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Top 10 things to do in Kathmandu

Are you thinking about making Nepal your next holiday destination? If you have started your research, you’ll know that there are many things to do in Kathmandu. However, there is only so much time and it can be difficult to narrow it down to the highlights. We have summarised our favourite spots and experiences in […]

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Top things to see in Azerbaijan

Explore the Old City of Baku The capital city of Azerbaijan lies on the shores of the Caspian Sea and is a remarkable mix of old and new. The old city of Icheri Seher, the historical centre of Baku, dates back to the 12th century. It was the first site in Azerbaijan to be placed […]

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Best UNESCO World Heritage Sites you need to visit in 2021

UNESCO World Heritage Sites are protected cultural and natural sites across the world that are significant to the heritage of humans or demonstrate outstanding beauty. The list of sites is constantly revised by UNESCO who have been working on the preservation of the sites since 1972. Have we grabbed your attention? Then why not plan […]

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Best places to visit in July

Wondering where the best places to visit in July are? Check out our favourite spots for your holiday in July below.  Looking for another month? Check out our Travel Calendar! 1. Okavango Delta, Botswana The Okavango Delta was the 1000th site to become a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2014. But that’s not the only […]

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Underrated cities to visit in Europe

Sometimes the chaos of a popular tourist city is enough to make any traveller run for the hills. Long queues, crowded viewpoints, expensive ticket prices and sold out attractions. These are undoubtedly some negatives to visiting the world’s most popular destinations. Fast forward to 2020, and health and safety regulations also mean that we should […]

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10 of the best travel shows

There’s nothing like a good TV series to get you hooked. When it’s showcasing the fantastic world of travel – even better! If you’re like us and you’ve found yourself spending more time in your home than you normally would, then don’t panic. There is a whole world of programs out there ready to fill […]

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10 Christmas gifts for travellers

Are you looking for the perfect gift for your jet setting friends or family? There is an overwhelming amount of choice available these days and it can be difficult to narrow down some of the best. So this holiday season we have done the hard work for you and compiled a list of 10 of […]

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Bird Watching in Costa Rica

On the blog today we hear from Danae, Latin America Operations Manager and ex tour leader in Central America. She talks about the joy of bird watching in Costa Rica and the incredible feathered creatures you can spot in the jungle! I have amazing memories of my year working as a Tour Leader around Central […]

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Experiencing the Lost City Trek in Colombia

The Colombian Lost City – Ciudad Perdida Few treks take you from the vibrant Caribbean beaches high into the lush, green cloud-forest mountains like the Camino al Ciudad Perdida does. South America has its fair share of spectacular trekking options. These are often along the incredibly varied terrain of the Andes, casually and impressively dotted […]

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Tour Leader Diaries – How two tour leaders navigated lockdown

2020 was a year of many changes, but few people had their lives turned upside down quite like the amazing tour leaders and guides who work all around the world. Today we are speaking to Isaac and Josh, who until the pandemic hit, were leading our groups of adventurers around Southeast Asia. Hi Josh and […]

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Dream trips to plan for the future – Part 1

If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that no – we don’t have all the time in the world. The start of the new decade was like any other year – families parted ways after Christmas celebrations and travelled home, adventurers looked ahead to all their exciting holiday plans and many were busy assessing how […]

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Fill up with diesel in Belgium

Filling up is easy when you know how! With its winding roads and stunning landscapes, Belgium is the perfect place for a road trip. When fuelling up at a motorway servcies, the diesel pump won’t start pumping until you have pre-authorised your pump and credit card (I tried the shop but was told to use […]

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Tour Leader Diaries – How two tour leaders navigated lockdown

2020 was a year of many changes, but few people had their lives turned upside down quite like the amazing tour leaders and guides who work all around the world. Today we are speaking to Isaac and Josh, who until the pandemic hit, were leading our groups of adventurers around Southeast Asia. Hi Josh and […]

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